Display Ads
Zora let’s you roll your own display ads or affiliate program effortlessly and work with the brands you love. Turn any collection or blog card (except for within slideshows) into a display ad without compromising on the look and feel of your brand. The Display Ad section comes with a custom ad block that let you manage up to 50 ads (blocks) per section. Need more? Add another Display Ads section. While not recommended, we understand that for some this may be what you need.
Getting started
Target ID (required)
All blog and product cards are assigned an ad target id as follows:
- data-ad-target=[ID]
To get the ID right click any product or blog post card while viewing your website in your browser. Then select “inspect element”. This will open your browser’s debug tool with the element selected. In some cases the data-ad-target will be on the element selected, if not find the closest element with the data-ad-target attribute. Copy and
Custom Ads
To add a custom ad select the “custom ad” block and paste your ad target ID in the Ad Target field. Then add an image (required) and link. The custom ad will auto-magically use the aspect ratio and styles of the card you targeted. You can change the position of the ad to show either before or after the targeted element and your product/blog card will shift accordingly to accomodate the creative.