Create members only variants

Return to membership

Zora makes it easy to provide different prices to members and non-members. To do so create a product with an option name of “tier” OR “tiers”. You must define a “default” value which is used for non-members. You can still offer products without the tier option. The prices will be the same for members and non-members.

For single tier membership or for a product where you only want to offer one member and non-member price you’ll have 2 option values:

  • default - non-members
  • exclusive (or the custom membership tag assigned in your theme settings). Note: this option value will be shown to all members if your membership product has tiers.

For multi-tier memberships you’ll have more than 2 option values:

  • default - non-members
  • level - option value defined in membership product (e.g. standard)
  • level - option value defined membership product (e.g premium)
  • level - option value defined in membership product (e.g. plus)

In this case do NOT use “exclusive” as an option value.

Once created there's nothing more you need to do. Zora will show the right variant(s) to non-members and members. Your customers just need to be subscribed and signed in to take advantage of their member benefits 😀

Member variant images

Additionally, you can assign images to a member variant. This is useful if you only want to show certain media to members vs non-members. For example you may want to showcase a more in depth video tutorial to members and a shorter one for non-members. Think outside the box with member variant images and how to provide the best experience to members and non-members.

And that’s not all

You can turn any product into a subscription product or add more variants options. Shopify let’s you add up to 3 options (note: the “tier” option counts as 1). You can also adjust prices for members and non-members in different countries using Shopify Markets.

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